Hello everyone welcome to my Blog! My name is Christian Dunn and I am a business and spanish major at Saint Michael's College. Since the day I was born I have had a strong sweet tooth. I am always looking around for some sort of candy have it be in a grocery store or another department store. The point of my blog is to show everyone how much candy companies due to grab their customers! You may not think about it at first but a lot goes into making and branding a small bag of candy.
Skittles recently released "leaked" videos on what their super bowl ads might be. Check them out here: Link. Skittles has announced that they will be doing something a lot different this year. Every year companies try to create a funny yet informative ad about their company and usually it works! Skittles wanted to tap into something entirely different this year. Check out this video to see what I mean! Link
Will they be successful? We will have to find out! With the rise of technology and social media it is rare to find a child not scrolling through random pictures on their phones. Now kids and adults everywhere will be going to the Facebook page to see what all the fuss is about! Now there are many pros and cons to doing this that the company had to have considered. One being that since it will not be on tv wont many viewers be more focused on what is going on on the television? Also you may have thought as to why they don't just pay the five million to have their funny ad wow the bigger audience. Well they do not have to spend the big pot of money to have the ad and they are making their ad more appealing by making it exclusive. As you have probably noticed by my pictures Skittles is one of the leading sponsors of the NFL. From this they will have advertisements lining the stadium which will remind the viewers to tune into their facebook page. Brilliant right? Because on their Facebook page they can put all sorts of advertisements that any other advertiser wouldn't be able to include in their 30 second ad. I can't wait to tune in and see what they have planned for us.
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