Thursday, April 19, 2018

Objectives and Outcomes From Marketing

Objectives and Outcomes From Marketing 

Through this course there has been many different aspects of Marketing that have been addressed and
learned throughout the semester. As a class we had many objectives that we covered along with many outcomes that came, now that we are almost finished with the semester. The first objective that we covered in great deal was learning and examining basic and emerging marketing concepts and terminology. Starting with product, place, price, and promotion we looked at different companies and how so much went into growing their company. Simply becoming a multi billion dollar company isn't that simple so companies are forced to find immense amounts of information through study groups and surveys. After figuring out how to grow, in chapter ten we learned advertisements are needed to grow the company and how to do that is necessary.

Another objective that is very important is exploring ethical issues confronting marketing managers. Our country is not made up by one race. Given that its essential, that for companies to grow, they need to reach out to multiple target markets. Unfortunately, many companies recently have tried but have drastically failed. A great example is Ram trucks released an advertisement with Martin Luther King giving a speech in the background. It was unnecessary and actually caused a lot of problems for the company.

Lastly, one of the most important objectives was to set personal and professional goals and positively contribute in an engaged class. This is vital to all classes offered at this school. In the end, most students hope to take what they have learned in college and apply it to the real world. Everything that we learned in marketing is information that is very important with almost any industry that we chose to enter. Marketing as a whole can help us better understand the markets that we go into and how it can make or break a company.
Those were three objectives of the course that I personally found to be the most important. It is important to also talk about the outcomes of the course. The first important outcome is understanding the functions, roles, and responsibilities of marketers. Marketing plays such a big role in business that without it businesses could not survive. In the end the marketers job is to persuade the audience to buy the product. With the high growth of new companies it has become very important for competitors to find some some of competitive advantage to perform better than its competitors. Their biggest responsibility is to sell the product or service. With this being said it's not always easy to grab the attention of audiences, as seen in class. For a long time companies tried using humor to get to its consumers. This worked but recently the use of current events and current problems have been a big theme. Some examples that we have learned in class have been women's rights and racial discrimination. By using those themes it is also very important that the marketing team is very careful at creating the advertisements since they are very sensitive topics.

The last outcome is using written and oral skills to persuade a target audience. It is very important for marketers to have good oral and written skills because in the end they are trying to persuade a group and that group won't be as inclined to listen if the the orator or author shows signs of sloppiness. We have strengthened our oral and written skills in this course. We have especially strengthened our oral skills through the advertisement presentation, the marketing news presentation, and most importantly the TED talk presentations. The TED talk presentation was crucial in that it prepared us for other formal business presentations in the future.

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Monday, April 16, 2018

Easter Sweets

Easter Sweets

As easter recently passed it left many wondering, why chocolate bunnies? Well The rabbit was chosen as the Easter animal since it symbolizes fertility and new life. The chocolate Easter bunny was started in 1842 in a small chocolate store but didn't actually become popular until the early 1900's. The small chocolate maker was cadbury, a very popular chocolate maker in England.  It became a small tradition producing a couple hundred thousand chocolate bunnies a year. Now more than 9 million chocolate bunnies are made every year. Since the chocolate bunny became so popular, they started adding anything to the insides of them to make them more appealing. This did not work as well since many prefered eating just a plain chocolate bunny. 

Easter is a great holiday for the candy industry since it is the second holiday to sell the most candy before Halloween. The chocolate bunny is a go to for most candy makers now and brings in the majority of profit during easter. The other big seller for Easter are the chocolate eggs. Eggs represent the rebirth of Jesus. Chocolate eggs became a very popular Easter chocolate but soon became popular year round when Cadbury started making their Cadbury eggs. This popular chocolate became one of the most popular chocolates to date. These candies are now so popular that they are no longer made by hand but by machine. 
Despite the chocolate egg and bunny's popularity, the most popular non-chocolate easter candy for the past decade has been the peeps. They have been very successful in rebranding themselves as not only a marshmallow candy, but as a multi-flavor sweet for many to enjoy. These peeps are an american made candy that was started in the early 1950's but later grew and became one of the most popular candies in the world. 
Easter candy is a 2.6 billion dollar industry with millions upon millions of Peeps being produced and enough jelly beans to surround the globe. Attached is a link to the history channel website Link. In that link they spoke all about the easter candy and how their success has grown over the years. In that link they mentioned some very interesting facts about easter candy that you probably did not know! One being that over 75% of chocolate bunny eaters eat the ears first. You may not have thought about it but most people do! Also did you know that over 1.5 million cadbury eggs are produced every day?
What is the difference between different holiday candies? Well the answer is simple. There really is not one. With each holiday candy makers find some small unique flavor to add to their candy to make them seem more appealing but in reality they are not really changing anything about their candy besides the shape. Recently Pez released their easter inspired pez dispensers with a limited edition flavor. The exciting new flavor was vanilla cupcake which many strongly disliked.  If any of you are wondering I was very curious and tried the new flavor and ended up throwing it away after my first bite.

Cites Used

Objectives and Outcomes From Marketing

Objectives and Outcomes From Marketing  Through this course there has been many different aspects of Marketing that have been addresse...